DONATE & Support LFS
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LFS is a private, non-profit school supported by:
- tuition
- fundraisers
- donations
- volunteers
Little French School Tax ID: 93-1267585
Help us with daily expenses.
Little things like copy paper, rent, printer ink, internet, and gas for the bus can add up.
Even little gifts can go a long way.
– Merci Mille Fois!
Additional Ways to Support LFS:
Our small non-profit program is supported by tuition, fundraisers, tax-deductible donations, and volunteer efforts. One excellent, fuss-free way to support LFS is to register for eScrip at This program allows families to contribute a percentage of purchases they make at Fred Meyer, Safeway, and Market of choice, to our school. They are automatic and free to use! Search for us as “Little French School”, to register accounts for friends and family willing to support the school.
Recurrent Monthly Donation
Recurrent Monthly Donation: Under the “Donate” tab on our school website, anyone can sign up to make recurring monthly donations. Any contribution matters, small and large!
Box Top For Education Program
LFS also participates in the Box Tops for Education program. Use the Box Tops app to scan purchase receipts, and LFS will automatically and immediately receive credit for participating purchases. The Box Tops program is phasing out the need to clip Box Tops. However, there are still some that remain on products as they are being phased out. We kindly ask parents to please collect Box Tops and drop them off in the collection container in their child’s classroom. Donations add up to a better experience for the kids!
Oregon Beverage Recycling Bottle Drive Donation Program
LFS also participates in the Bottle Drive Giving program. Please collect and drop off at the school empty plastic water bottles and cans. LFS will automatically and immediately receive credit when we recycle them at the drop off center. Families may also collect a bag with the school Bottle Drive label and use it to collect empty water bottles and cans and drop it off at any designated drop off center.
Annual Fundraising Events
Our annual fundraisers include our major fundraising event, French Night Out, (generally in early spring). as well as our family-friendly Alumni Reunion (generally in May) and our Open House in the Fall.
Tax-deductible contributions can also be made at any time in the form of financial support or donation of school materials. We are also happy to accept donations of time or services in organizing fundraisers, writing grants, or participating in school activities. For more information, please call or email us!
If you are interested in ordering an organic cotton t-shirt (sizes 2T – adult 4X), long-sleeved shirt, grocery tote, or jumbo tote, please inquire by emailing us at Order may need to be held until there are other orders to accompany it; please inquire about timing in your email. Proceeds support our school! Thank you to Vinnie D’Angelo for the great design, and to Printwear of Oregon for assisting with orders.
Thank you!
We want to extend a sincere “Merci!” to our sponsors, donors and community partners:
And the many many other families and alumni who have generously supported LFS over the years!
The Little French School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We rely on the support of our families and community to sustain our budget and continue providing quality care, excellent teacher: student ratios, and French immersion for children in Eugene. All donations and proceeds go toward supporting the students at LFS and ensuring that the program can remain a part of this community.We are also gradually working toward a permanent home for The Little French School. Your support makes a real difference to our program!